
My name is Guðmundur Rúnar Óskarsson and I am an engineer. In 1991 I discovered Reiki and my life took a U-turn. I took all three degrees in Reiki, learned Zone Therapy, Massage, EFT, Bowen technique and Cranio Sacral Therapy.

Over the years as a therapist I developed a method to perform Cranio Sacral treatments through the Reiki. This means that I can do Cranio Sacral treatments all over the world from my facility in Iceland. I have used this method when treating both children and adults who live in Norway, Denmark and Canada and the results have been just as good as working directly with the individual.

Today I have stopped working, having become a senior citizen, and concentrating on my hobby of beekeeping. I became infected with the Covid-19 virus in March, ended up in hospital and am still dealing with the aftermath.

On this website, I am gathering information about various interesting things that I have come across through my work as a healer and therapist.

In the middle of my life I was very inquisitive and curious and tried many things. I had a back problem as a young man and became acquainted with Reiki Healing because of it. After that there was no turning back and my life has since revolved around spiritual things and helping people.

The Bees in Iceland project is about creating an isolated population of Bees that are free of the diseases that afflict Bees in the world today. The Icelandic Bee population could be a backup for the Bee community in the world. Beekeepers in Iceland import Bees from the Åland Islands, which is one of the very few areas in the world today, that are free of parasites such as Varroa and Acarine mites and Nosema disease. On the other hand, the weather in Iceland is extremely difficult for these Buckfast Bees and there have been great declines every winter.

I have, most of my time as Beekeeper, located my hives in Stokkseyri on the south coast of Iceland. It is windy there and the wind often blows from the sea. But this is the only place I have and the reward is the best honey in Iceland, delicious from the coastal fauna. However, I have had great setbacks. I blame it on the fact that there is a lot of wind and ocean spray and a big difference in temperature. It is also difficult to cover the hives.