What is Reiki

Divinely controlled life energy

It is the consciousness of God, called Rei, that governs the life force Ki in what we call Reiki. Therefore, Reiki can be defined as an energy controlled by the spiritual. This is a significant interpretation of the word Reiki. It is next to describe the experience that people have had of it, i.e. it controls itself with its own knowledge and shows no reaction to the expert’s orders.

Do all healers use Reiki?

All healers use the life force or Ki, but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of life force that only the one who has learned it can use. Most healers who have not received a Reiki dedication from a Reiki master are not using Reiki but a different type of life force. Those who practice some form of healing say that their power to heal has increased by up to 50% after undergoing Reiki training.

The Initiation.

Reiki is not taught in the same way as other healing. It is transfered to the student by a Reiki Master with Initiation. The Initiation are aimed at the head, heart and palms. The Master tunes the students Crown Chakra to receive the Reiki frequency.
The Initiation of Reiki is a powerful spiritual experience. The Initiation energy is sent to the student through the Reiki Master. The transfer is controlled by Rei or the consciousness of God. The Initiation is also supervised by Reiki instructors and other spiritual beings who help with the process.
Many people have reported mysterious experiences such as messages, healing, visions and flashbacks from previous lives. The Initiation can also enhance vision.

The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words, Rei and Ki. Reiki is an ancient method of healing by hand. It is believed to be of Tibetan origin and was lost for centuries. It was reinvented in the second half of the last century by Dr. Mikao Usui.

Reiki is a simple yet powerful method that anyone can learn.